Find Your Trend!
Trend - the most important concept in trading. It is on every single chart in every time frame. You trade by following it or against it. You use it in short-, mid- and long-term investment horizon. It is all around, no matter what tools you use. But is it really your friend, as it is said? Do you know exactly when the trend begins, ends or changes? To achieve extraordinary profits, you need to know it as soon as possible and be right as often as possible!
Advantage Lines will help you to do it. To come up with the best settings we have tested, optimized and re-optimized hundreds of sets of parameters for thousands of stocks and futures. We used advanced statistical measures to achieve the best possible results. Now you will know exactly when the trend is changing and when you should close your position, taking the largest profit possible. This is not a revolutionary indicator and you will find free versions online. But Advantage Lines is precisely tuned to achieve much better results. Advantage Lines really makes the trend your friend!
Advantage Lines settings:
• Length - sensitivity of line
• Position - short/long/both positions
• Aggressive - normal or aggressive version
• Color - various versions of line coloring
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And find out how to create Simple Trading Strategies:
Check out Trailing Lines Enhanced, an Expert System based on the Trailing Lines indicator.
Price: 9 usd / month
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